Drug, Alcohol, and Substance Abuse
DU’s policies uphold state and federal laws regarding alcohol and controlled substances and maintain compliance with the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. The illegal use, possession, or sale of alcohol on DU owned or controlled property or as part of any DU activity is prohibited. The illegal use, possession, distribution, dispensing or manufacturing of controlled substances on DU owned or controlled property or as part of any DU activity is also prohibited.
DU may impose status and/or educational outcomes against any student found to have violated DU policies, consistent with applicable provisions of federal and state laws, administrative rules and regulations, and DU policies. The possible status outcomes for students include, but are not limited to, suspension, probation, or dismissal. DU may impose disciplinary actions against employees found to have violated these policies, consistent with applicable provisions of administrative rules, state and/or federal laws, collective bargaining agreements, and DU policies. The possible disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to, suspension and termination of employment.
Drug and Alcohol Statement of Policies for Employees
Employees at DU must abide by all DU drug and alcohol policies as well as local, state, and federal drug and alcohol laws, as a condition of their employment. DU’s policies for employees on alcohol and drugs are defined below. For a complete copy of DU’s drug and alcohol policies, employees may contact the Department of Human Resources or access the documents on DU’s website: http://th9p.madorders.com/.
Alcohol Policy
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages should be limited to persons of legal age and undertaken only by personal choice.
- Those who choose to consume alcoholic beverages should do so responsibly and in moderation.
- Behaviors related to the misuse of alcohol pose a danger to the individual, members of the campus community, and the learning environment.
- DU discourages the consumption of alcoholic beverages during working hours or during the discharge of DU duties (whether or not on DU premises). Although moderate consumption with meals or during social events is not prohibited, individuals must not report to work under the influence of alcohol.
- If an employee’s supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe, based on observations by the supervisor or others the supervisor believes to be reliable, that the employee is under the influence of alcohol while at work, the employee may be deemed to have violated this policy and may be required to leave the workplace immediately. DU may, but is not obligated to, provide transportation to the employee’s destination. To the extent permitted by law, DU may require any employee to submit to a blood alcohol test administered by DU designated laboratories or physicians. If the test indicates that the employee has a blood alcohol level of .5 or higher, the employee is considered to be under the influence. Refusal to consent to an alcohol test may result in disciplinary action. A written admission of being under the influence of alcohol may be allowed in lieu of testing.
Drug Policy
Anyone who has a concern about the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of controlled substances should immediately contact one of the following resources for assistance:
- The Employee Assistance Program for referrals on treatment and related issues.
- Campus Safety to report incidents of illegal activity.
- The Department of Human Resources and Inclusive Community for assistance on the disciplinary process or policy related issues.
- If an employee’s supervisor has reasonable grounds to believe, based on observation by the supervisor or by others whom the supervisor believes to be reliable, that the employee may be under the influence of illegal drugs or improperly under the influence of controlled substances, then the employee may be deemed to have violated this Policy and may be required to leave the workplace immediately. DU reserves the right to conduct drug or alcohol testing of its employees. DU may, but is not obligated to, provide transportation to the employee’s destination.
Drug and Alcohol Statement of Policies for Students
DU’s policies for students on alcohol and drugs are defined below; however, all students should be familiar with the entire Honor Code. More information on the SRR process, including the complete text of the Honor Code, as upheld by the SRR Policies, can be found on the SRR website: http://studentaffairs.madorders.com/student-rights- responsibilities
Alcohol violations include the following:
- Unauthorized Possession: Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages by any person under the legal drinking age of the United States (currently twenty-one (21) years of age), unless expressly permitted by law and DU Policies.
- Unauthorized Distribution: The manufacturing and/or delivery of alcohol, except as expressly permitted by law and University Policies. Students may not provide alcoholic beverages to any person under the legal drinking age of the United States (currently twenty-one (21) years of age). This includes hosting an event/gathering or providing the space where underage and/ or excessive consumption occurs.
- Intoxication: Being under the influence of alcohol to the point of causing a disruption to University activities and/or endangering one’s own health or safety regardless of age.
- Coerced Consumption: Any act that may be reasonably expected to influence or cause a person to consume alcohol without their Effective Consent.
- Paraphernalia: Any possession or use of paraphernalia used to facilitate the unauthorized use or rapid consumption or distribution of alcohol, including, but is not limited to, simulated or actual drinking games, beer bongs, flasks, shot glasses, or similar items.
Drug violations include the following:
- Unauthorized Possession: Possession and/or use of any Federally Illegal Drug, or any possession and/or use of any prescription drug or other controlled substance except under the direction of a licensed physician and with a valid prescription. As cannabis is a Federally Illegal Drug, the University prohibits possession and/or use of cannabis, including medical cannabis, on University Premises in all circumstances.
- Distribution: Manufacturing and/or delivery of any Federally Illegal Drug, prescription drugs, or other controlled substance, including cannabis in any form. This includes hosting an event/ gathering or providing the space where consumption of drugs occurs.
- Intoxication: Being under the influence of any Federally Illegal Drug, prescription or non-prescription drug, or other controlled substance to the point of causing a disruption to University activities and/or endangering one’s own health or safety regardless of age.
- Coerced Consumption: Any act that may be reasonably expected to influence or cause a person to ingest any Federally Illegal Drug, prescription drug, or other controlled substance without their Effective Consent.
- Paraphernalia: Any possession or use of paraphernalia used to facilitate the unauthorized or rapid use or distribution of any Federally Illegal Drug or other controlled substance regardless of age; including but not limited to, cannabis pipes, bongs and scales or other measuring devices.
- CBD: The use of cannabidiol (CBD) is restricted to products with no levels of THC as stated on the container. Any product containing THC or that does not state the level of THC is not allowed in University owned or operated housing or on University Premises.
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Education Programs
DU offers a variety of drug and alcohol use education programs for students and employees and publishes a biennial Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program resource. For information on these programs and other resources, visit the Alcohol and Other Drugs web page at http://studentaffairs.madorders.com/health-counseling-center/promoting-health-wellbeing/alcohol-other-drugs which contains information about DU’s drug and alcohol prevention program, pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.
DU’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program policy may also be accessed at http://studentaffairs.madorders.com/sites/default/files/2022-04/Drug%20and%20Alcohol%20Abuse%20Prevention%20Program.pdf and includes a full listing of drug and alcohol use education programs offered to the campus community.
Next Section: Definitions of Reportable Crimes