High School Early Experience Students

Interested in taking college classes while you're in high school? With our High School Early Experience program, you can explore subjects you can’t study in high school, and get a jump start on your academic career with DU course credits.

Application Process

Our college application process takes around one month from application to decision. We’ll notify you of your status after we receive and review all application materials. We cannot consider incomplete applications.

  • Required materials
    • EEP application
    • Parent Approval Form
    • School Approval Form with a written recommendation regarding preparedness for college work
    • Official transcripts of all secondary work to date with a minimum 3.5 GPA
    • List of courses in progress and courses planned for the current or upcoming year
    • $65 application fee

    Depending on your courses, you may need to meet other admission requirements (e.g. theatre or music auditions).

  • Completing your application

    Complete the EEP application online and upload, email or mail additional materials to Undergraduate Admission.

    Email: admission@madorders.com

    Mailing Address:

    Undergraduate Admission

    University of Denver

    2197 S University Blvd.

    Denver, CO 80208-9401

  • Application deadlines

    We must receive all materials at least one month prior to the quarter in which you wish to enroll.

    • Fall Quarter: August 1
    • Winter Quarter: December 1
    • Spring Quarter: February 15
    • Summer Quarter: May 1
  • Permission to continue

    Before each quarter, we evaluate your permission to continue in our program. If you register for any academic term without permission, we’ll charge you DU's full tuition rate.

    We reserve the right to withdraw a student from this program at any time. Poor academic performance or misconduct related to academics or behavior may be grounds for dismissal.

  • Additional information

    Enrollment is subject to space availability and course prerequisites.

    All students in this program enroll as non-degree candidates.

    Have other questions? Contact Jenn Lipke at 303-871-3052 or at Lipke.ADM@madorders.com.
